What Happens After I Place an Order for Custom Development?

What Happens After I Place an Order for Custom Development?

To work on your store we need Administrator access and an API account, instructions for granting access are below.

Add support@ as Store Admin on your BigCommerce store

To add support@flairconsultancy.com as a Store Administrator to your website:

1. Go to Account Settings > Users

BC Control Panel - accounts / users

2. Click on Create a User Account

BC Control Panel - create user

3. Enter support@flairconsultancy.com next to Email

BC Control Panel - adding user details

4. Change the User Role to Store Administrator

BC Control Panel - setting user role

5. Click Save at the bottom of the screen

BC Control Panel - save user details

Create an API account

Please create an API account for us to use by following the instructions below.

1. Log into the control panel of your store (If you have more than one user, make sure you use the store owner's credentials)

BC Control Panel - login screen

2. Go to Settings > API > API Accounts

BC Control Panel -  API / API accounts

3. On the API Accounts page, click Create API Account > Stencil-CLI Token

BC Control Panel - create API account

4. Under Name enter flair

BC Control Panel - API account details

5. Under Stencil-CLI access level, select publish theme

BC Control Panel - API permissions

6. Click Save (at the bottom of the browser window) The details will be displayed in a pop up modal, from which you can copy the Access Token and Terminal Quickstart values. Your browser should also download a .txt file that contains the information we need.

BC Control Panel - save API details

7. Please send the Access Token and Terminal Quickstart string to support@flairconsultancy.com

How we schedule jobs

We're sometimes asked for more info about our Job Turnaround options (within 3/7/14 days) and scheduling. 

To find out when your job will be started and completed, please see this article: How We Schedule Jobs