We're occasionally asked for more detail about our Job Turnaround options:
- Within 3 days
- Within 7 days
- Within 14 days
Start Dates
If you select 'within 14 (or 7) days' - a start date is given to the job during our weekly scheduling meeting (usually on a Monday). When your job has a start date it's added to our Job Queue, and our developers then work through that list.
Depending on the size of the job, and our workload, the start date could be up 15 working days after the order was placed.
We offer 'within 3 days' for more urgent work - within 3 working days of an order being placed the job is given a start date, and we endeavour to complete the work as soon as possible.
Job Completion
If you purchased up to 2 hours, or a simple module, then this work may be completed on the start date.
If you purchased more time e.g. half a day or a full day of development, the development time will likely be spread over 2 or more working days.
We try very hard to stick to the schedule of work, but sometimes jobs overrun or an urgent fix takes up some our developers' time. For this reason, we can't guarantee start or completion dates, but if you want an update, please contact us by email or Live Chat and we'll let you know how the work is progressing.