Kings Road 1.4.0: Why Update

Kings Road 1.4.0: Why Update

Kings Road 1.4.0 includes a number of new features and enhancements to improve what is already in place, making Kings Road a great choice for vendors in 2023.

What's included now on Kings Road 

System fonts

Using the system font of a specific operating system can improve performance because the browser does not need to download any font files because it is already using one.

Animate page elements

Web animation can be used to draw people's attention, engage them more effectively, and communicate more clearly and effectively. It can engage and hold people's attention for a longer period of time than a static web page.

Taggbox Instagram feed

An alternative to the Elfsight Instagram Feed module that we have set up to work on our theme is Taggbox. They also offer free and premium versions, which you can sign up for here.

Full width page template

We recommend using the default template for text heavy web pages. For when this isn't the case we've added a full width page template.

New style editor

The style editor now has a stripped back look but still includes all the same features that makes Kings Road what it is.

In addition to these new functionality updates we've fixed plenty of display bugs, for a full list see the changelog.

How to update to 1.4.0

If you've already purchased Kings Road, you can upgrade to 1.4.0 at no extra cost. Please see the BigCommerce article Updating a Marketplace Theme for more information.

If you're not a Kings Road user but find yourself in the market for a uniquely styled BigCommerce theme, or if you just want to take a look, you can check out Kings Road right here.